1C Webkit Problems

1. diziburda1 09.07.20 11:02 Сейчас в теме
Hello Everybody,

I am new on 1C enterprise.I have some problem with webkit browser and html elements.

1- How can i catch popup event and popup link ? I must catch link and redirect Object.Html to popup's link.

2- When is use https link it gives SSL error.Is there any way ignore ssl errors like webkit in c# ?
(webkitBrowser.Preferences.IgnoreSSLErrors = true;)

3- Webkit version problem Reported.(1C enterprise webkit hasnt got clipboard api so i can not use jquery paste screen is there any other way or must wait team update ?

Is there any idea for this issues.Can anybody help me ?
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2. platonov.e 158 09.07.20 11:23 Сейчас в теме
Ты не в тот район зашел....

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