Вопрос специалистам по СУБД.

1. hogik 443 06.02.09 23:46 Сейчас в теме
При записи в базу данных возникает ошибка (см. ниже). Размер страницы - 512, ключа -138 байт. Имеет ли смысл писать разработчикам? Т.е. это ошибка или "общая проблема" построения индексов во всех СУБДах?
=== Ошибка: "Maximum index levels".
Problem: The current index is unbalanced. This problem is most likely to occur when using very long index keys and new keys are being added to the index. This error could also occur if the index is corrupt.
Solution: Reindex the file. The reindexed file will be built using the minimum number of levels. This will speed up all future operations using the index. If this does not resolve the problem, reindex with a larger page size. With a larger index page size, more keys will be stored in each page and will thus reduce the number of levels required. For specific equations showing the correlation between key and page size, see "Index Key Size and Page Size Relationships".
=== Выдержка из раздела: "Index Key Size and Page Size Relationships".
The following formulas show the relationship between index key size K and index file page size P.
The minimum required page size for a given key is: P = ( K + 8 ) * 2 + 12
To guarantee at least three keys per page for better balancing: P >= ( K + 8 ) * 3 + 12
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